Monday 10 January 2011

BA (Hons) ASSIGNMENTS 2010 (1st Year)

Past, Present, Future- Illustrator

This assignement was based on the theme of portraying myself in the past, present and future, using Adobe Illustrator to produce my imagery. Its was great to experiment with designing a flowing, yet subtle background through the pieces and to work with making myself look alot older!

7 Deadly Sins- Photoshop

 The aim was to chose 3 of the 7 deadly sins, and produce pieces that made the viewer question what the piece was trying to portray. This is my piece for Lust, with the main focal image being Elizabeth Short (aka. the Black Dahlia).

Magazine Layout- In Design

This is my layout design for two double page spreads. The theme being a Blink 182 special (as they're one of my favourite bands, and i'm excited about their up and coming tour, so thought it would be the perfect example to design). The influence was of Kerrang! and created in the same theme and style of the existing magazine.

This assignement was the create a piece of work based on a conversation i'd overheard. this was heard whilst i was on holiday in America, it made me laugh and i've never forgotten it, so i decided to create a piece using this example. i love hand drawn text, so this was completely hand created, for a more personal touch.

Self Portrait
This was the first assignment on my current university course. The aim to produce a self-portrait about ourselves, that expresses our personality. 


7 Deadly Sins
Shown above is a collection of images from an Image Manipulation assignment during photography lessons. I was encouraged to chose my own theme, and from the word "go" I knew I wanted to use the "7 Deadly Sins"- as i knew i could go in so many different ways to portray each sin. Above is the triptych for "Envy", inspired by a quote from Dantes' Comedy of Errors: a subtle perception of the sin. I painted day-of-the-dead style patterning on my face, and eyes on my closed eyelids (left)- the images were then manipulated in Photoshop, where i added a texture behind each image- to create the grungy effect shown.

These pictures are of my "7 Deadly Sins" hand created photobook. the book was made using collage, burning/staining, and then presentation of my triptych photographs.
Sketchbook Pages
This is a selection of development pages from some of my sketchbooks. I throughly enjoy sketchbook work, as i love doodling, and creating little sketches of ideas.

Album Cover Design
This assignment consisted of creating collage pieces, they were then scanned into Photoshop, and manipulated to desired effect, to then be used as mock up album covers.

Magazine Cover Re-Design


The aim of this assignment was to re-design the logos and front covers of existing Pop Culture magazines. I planned and took my own photographs, and then manipulated them to be incorporated into my cover pieces.

Music Festival Poster


This is my final outcome design, for an advertorial assignment, to publicize a music festival. it incorporates my own hand drawn artwork, placed upon a textured background. I really like the composition- I think it flows really nicely.

3D Work
The project brief for this assignment was to design and create box and sleeve/insert constructions.
I was encouraged to used my own imagery, illustrations, and other handmade graphics

Screen Printing
Shown here are two pieces from a screen printing assignment- the reason I like these particular prints is because I think the colours are extremely visually pleasing. One print is placed on a plain card background, and the other on a collage background. I really enjoyed experimenting with colour and texture within this project.
Shown above are some developmental pieces created during my screen printing assignment. They show a variety of mixed medias; printing inks, canvas, parcel paper, acetate.